Who is Mason Jar?

Funny story.  My pals and I were discussing baby names, because, well, that’s what we do.  One friend said, “I like the name Mason.”  Her sister was like, “Like Mason Jar.”  My response, “Who is Mason Jar?  I don’t know who that is.”

They die laughing.  I have no idea what was going through my mind.  Mason jar.  Really.  See, the thing is, that same friend is getting married in about a month and mason jars are a pretty big part of the decor.  My mom and I recently threw her a shower, so it was only natural to incorporate these into the theme.  See Exhibit A. below.

I used chalkboard paint to make the food signs.  It is just painted on pre-cut wood that I found at Michael’s, hot-glued onto skinny dowel rods.  My tip – find skinny chalk.  I wish I had to fore-thought to take pictures before people showed up.  That and take the paper towels off the sandwiches.

I found everything on Pinterest.  We spent most of the shower explaining Pinterest to some of the older ladies in attendance.  They were flabbergasted.  It was cute.  🙂 My favorite item at the shower was the button monogram E.  Oh, and see, mason jars continued to make an appearance.

Thing 1 loved the buttons.  She begged me to make another one.  Not in her initial, or even the initial of our last name.  Nope.  She wanted another “E”.  Silly girl.

A few close-ups.  I just love the fancy buttons.  I think they were the perfect touch!  All buttons and frame were purchased at Hobby Lobby.  All I did was hot-glue the burlap to the cardboard insert.  My mom made me cut a piece of burlap to cover the backside and hide my wonky folding job.  Mom’s know best.  Then I traced a capital “E” onto paper (Times New Roman, like 300+ size font), then traced it onto the burlap.  Then went crazy with the hot glue gun.  Easy. 
Please excuse the dirty floors.

Other details (unpictured): We drank sangria, lemonade, and sweet tea out of mason jars, with gray and pink striped straws with flags that said “Cheers”(from here). Oh, and a friend’s mom saved all the trash to reuse in her music class at the local elementary – they are doing a performance using recycled goods. Fun!

And to think I had no idea who “Mason Jar” was.

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